
Concept, campaign plan, copy, photography, photoediting, videoediting


ACT for Alexandria first started Spring2ACTion – Alexandria’s giving day – a 24-hour crowdfundraiser in 2010 but had not actively campaigned to fundraise for the foundation itself.


Capitalizing on the personality and notoriety of executive director, John Porter, we came up with photo concepts emphasizing the foundation’s work and philanthropy in the community. Thus, Super John was created. Every two hours, a new photo featuring Super John and community leaders and members was posted to our social media channels to encourage donations. Other strategy elements included an email campaign, a phone bank and matching grant prizes.


In the first half of the day, ACT raised more than its goal and doubled it by the end of the day.


Super John was such a good sport that he performed the following whenever ACT made a matching grant. Please enjoy.